We are here to help you with all things about climbing in the Philippines and general climbing knowledge.  The following pages cover the information about the types of climbing and places to climb both indoors and out. Plus I will go over the gear that is used in climbing and how to stay safe.

MontalbanWhat is ABA Home, it is a site to find information about rock climbing, the Philippines and climbing in the Philippines.  The pages that fellow will tell about climbing and the different types and how you can get started in to rock climbing.  Then for the climbers that know how to climb you will find pages with info about the areas in the Philippines.


I don’t claim to be an expert climber as I have only been climbing since 2002.  I do know how to climb and have done some teaching to friends that wanted to learn.  I can always learn more myself and continue to improve my knowledge so that I can be safe and help to keep others safe.


I hope you like the site and if you have any input that might help to make the site better let me know. Maybe you would like to see some other information about climbing that is not posted, again let me know and I will try to get that added.



For the people that like to look up at night here is a view of the current night sky over Manila.  This is taken from the Astro Viewer web site.  They have a great program for viewing the night sky.  Click here to get the program.


current night sky over Manila
Sky map by AstroViewer ®
Find planets and constellations in the night sky - AstroViewer

